
Arm & Hammer Enhanced Allergen and Odor Air Filters Reviews

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the upper limb of the homo torso, especially the part extending from the shoulder to the wrist.

the upper limb from the shoulder to the elbow.

the forelimb of whatsoever vertebrate.

some role of an organism like or likened to an arm.

whatsoever armlike part or zipper, as the tone arm of a phonograph.

a covering for the arm, especially a sleeve of a garment: the arm of a coat.

an administrative or operational branch of an organization: A special arm of the government will investigate.

Nautical. any of the curved or bent pieces of an anchor, terminating in the flukes.

an inlet or cove: an arm of the sea.

a combat branch of the military service, as the infantry, cavalry, or field artillery.

support or protection: He had always been there when I needed a strong arm to lean on or a word of counsel. May you lot take comfort knowing she is in God's loving arms.

Typography. either of the extensions to the correct of the vertical line of a One thousand or upward from the vertical stalk of a Y.


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Idioms about arm

Origin of arm


First recorded earlier 900; Middle English; Old English earm; cognate with Gothic artillery, Old Norse armr, Old Western frisian erm, Dutch, Sometime Saxon, Old High High german arm (German Arm ) "arm," Latin armus "shoulder" and arma (neuter plural) "tools, weapons"; alike to Serbo-Croatian rȁme, rȁmo "shoulder"; Sanskrit īrmá, Avestan arəma-, Onetime Prussian irmo "arm"; come across arm2


armed, adjective armlike, adjective


alms, arms

Words nearby arm

Arlington, Arlington Heights, Arlington National Cemetery, Arliss, Arlon, arm, Armada, Armada chest, Armada, Spanish, armadillo, Armageddon

Other definitions for arm (2 of half dozen)


Usually artillery . weapons, specially firearms.

artillery, Heraldry. the escutcheon, with its divisions, charges, and tinctures, and the other components forming an achievement that symbolizes and is reserved for a person, family, or corporate body; armorial bearings; coat of arms.

verb (used without object)

to enter into a state of hostility or of readiness for war.

verb (used with object)

to equip with weapons: to arm the troops.

to activate (a fuze) and then that it volition explode the charge at the time desired.

to cover protectively.

to provide with whatever will add strength, force, or security; support; fortify: He was armed with statistics and facts.

to equip or prepare for whatsoever specific purpose or effective use: to arm a security system; to arm oneself with persuasive arguments.

to prepare for activeness; make fit; ready.

Origin of arm


Offset recorded in 1200–50 for the verb; 1300–fifty for the noun; Middle English verb armen, from Anglo-French, Old French armer, from Latin armāre "to arm, equip," verbal derivative of arma (neuter plural) "tools, weapons"; Middle English noun armes (plural), from Old French armes, from Latin arma (neuter plural reinterpreted as a feminine singular); akin to armone


armless, adjective

Other definitions for arm (iii of vi)

Other definitions for arm (4 of 6)

adaptable-rate mortgage.

Other definitions for arm (5 of 6)

Other definitions for arm (6 of 6)

Origin of Ar.K.

From New Latin Architecturae Magister Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022

How to use arm in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for arm (ane of 4)


(in man) either of the upper limbs from the shoulder to the wrist Related describing word: brachial

the part of either of the upper limbs from the elbow to the wrist; forearm

  1. the corresponding limb of whatever other vertebrate
  2. an armlike bagginess of some invertebrates

an object that covers or supports the human arm, esp the sleeve of a garment or the side of a chair, sofa, etc

anything considered to resemble an arm in appearance, position, or office, esp something that branches out from a central support or larger mass an arm of the sea; the arm of a tape player

an administrative subdivision of an organization an arm of the regime

power; authority the arm of the law

any of the specialist combatant sections of a military force, such as cavalry, infantry, etc

sport, esp brawl games ability to throw or pitch he has a good arm

an arm and a leg breezy a big corporeality of money

arm in arm with arms linked

at arm's length at a distance; away from familiarity with or subjection to another

give one's right arm informal to exist prepared to make whatever sacrifice

in the artillery of Morpheus sleeping

with open arms with great warmth and hospitality to welcome someone with open artillery


(tr) archaic to walk arm in arm with

Derived forms of arm

armless, adjective armlike, adjective

Word Origin for arm

One-time English; related to German Arm, One-time Norse armr arm, Latin armus shoulder, Greek harmos joint

British Dictionary definitions for arm (2 of four)

verb (tr)

to equip with weapons as a preparation for war

to provide (a person or thing) with something that strengthens, protects, or increases efficiency he armed himself against the common cold

  1. to activate (a fuse) so that it will explode at the required time
  2. to prepare (an explosive device) for apply by introducing a fuse or detonator

nautical to pack arming into (a sounding lead)


(usually plural) a weapon, esp a firearm

Give-and-take Origin for arm

C14: (n) back formation from arms, from Old French armes, from Latin arma; (vb) from One-time French armer to equip with artillery, from Latin armāre, from arma arms, equipment

British Dictionary definitions for arm (3 of four)

British Dictionary definitions for arm (4 of 4)

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Medical definitions for arm


An upper limb of the human body, connecting the paw and wrist to the shoulder.

The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.

Other Idioms and Phrases with arm

In addition to the idioms beginning with arm

  • arm and a leg
  • armed to the teeth
  • arm in arm

likewise meet:

  • at arm'south length
  • infant in arms
  • forewarned is forearmed
  • give one'south eyeteeth (right arm)
  • long arm of the police force
  • one-armed brigand
  • put the arm on
  • shot in the arm
  • take up arms
  • talk someone's arm off
  • twist someone'south arm
  • upwards in arms
  • with one arm tied behind
  • with open artillery

The American Heritage® Idioms Lexicon Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.


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